A Course in Parts Starting January 2019
About the Course
As some of you might know, Vedic Wisdom is subdivided into six major branches, or Vedangas. Vedic astrology being one of these. Called Jyotish, this branch represents the “eyes” of the Vedas, partly meant to help us to see the karma configurations and spiritual lessons in the different areas of our life, as well as throughout the various time-periods we are faced with. Only be being aware and awake to the rich tapestry of life’s blessings and struggles (as analysed in the horoscope) can we seek out means to purify and better ourselves in a purposeful fashion. This again can inspire our sadhana and infuse our life-path with greater quality and meaning.
As Yogic seekers Jyotish is likewise meant to help us ‘see’ what our dharma is (our purpose and life path), and how we can navigate through life in a more sattvic and conscious way, with the help of ‘spiritual tools’ such as mantra sadhana, upayas (karmic remedies) and discriminative awareness. In a certain way this demands a dedication to continuous self-cultivation, self-inquiry (svadhyaya) and a spiritual approach to life, ourselves and others. Without a reflective perspective and a commitment to individualized sadhana, tapas, and a variety of daily niyamas, jyotish is easily removed of its most precious life-nectar, leaving us vulnerable to unconscious reaction and karmic repetition. Jyoti, meaning light, reflects the power of this discipline to illuminate the intricate themes of life in a meaningful and constructive way.
A prerequisite to attend this course is to have completed or be currently studying for the 4 module Patanjali Yoga Sutras course.
Each level will consist of lectures with Gitte Bechsgaard together with asana and pranayama practice with Sheila Haswell.
Level 1 took place from 3rd to 8th January 2019.
The lectures focused on the foundations of Vedic Astrology, including an introduction to the concepts of the grahas (planets) and their ‘seizing’ effect (for good and ill) in our lives and consciousness. We also touched upon the rashis (constellations), and the 12 bhavas (houses) of the horoscope, including their relationship to the four goals of life (dharma, artha, kama, moksa), rashis (constellations). This was complemented with daily mantra sadhana and basic Sanskrit, as well as asana and pranayama practice.
Level 2 took place from 3rd to 6th January 2020.
The lectures mainly focused on the foundations of Vedic Astrology, including an introduction to the concepts of the 12 rashis (constellations) from Aries to the constellation of Pisces. In connection with this teaching we also studied the 12 Lagnas (that which ties the soul down) – the first house of the horoscope which is central to understanding one’s body (including ayurvedic prakriti), mind (manas-buddhi and guna-disposition) and soul (jiva). This was complemented with daily mantra sadhana, as well as asana and pranayama practice.
Level 3 – originally planned for April 2020, then moved to Jan 2021 is now POSTPONED (future date yet to be decided).
The Nakshatras & Iyengar Yoga workshop is still planned at a retreat in Italy. For more information see Vidya Institute. Please do not contact or send any deposits to me, as I am not administering this workshop.