Timetable & Fees

Weekday Classes Timetable & Fees

Use this link for a description of the classes.

Before booking a yoga lesson it is important to read the Booking Terms and Conditions (which also includes booking and payment instructions). Follow the links for studio lessons and online lessons (times shown are London UK time zone).

Follow these links for helpful information if you are new to yoga, or are new to online yoga lessons.

Book a studio lesson                                                                             
Book an online lesson online lessons are not currently available

Bookings normally close on the day before a lesson (or earlier if the lesson is fully booked).

*Pranayama lessons are monthly, generally on the second Monday of each month. 

The classes taught by Sheila are shown in the table below.

MonPranayama*8pm1hr 15minsStudio£12
TueGeneral10am1hr 45minsStudio£14
TueOlder & Stiffer1pm1hr 15minsStudio£12
TueBeginners6:30pm1hr 30minsStudio£12
ThuRemedial4:45pm1hr 45minsStudio£25
ThuGeneral7:15pm1hr 45minsStudio£14

There are two additional classes at the Yoga Shala:

Monday 6:15pm – 7:30pm General level with Michelle Blyth
Wednesday 10am – 11:30am Beginners level with Sara Luff

For enquiries on any of these classes click on the teachers name and contact them directly.